Monday, April 14, 2014

The gift of Easter

The Easter season brings about the remembrance of the Savior's atonement. I am so overwhelmed with the tremendous act of love we received. So today I wish to provoke your minds unto the feeling of Gratitude. 

God took the people of Israel out of Egypt through the parting of the sea, and into the wilderness where he fed them with Mana, food from heaven. God gave them water out of a rock when they were thirsty. Yet still, they murmured against God. 

It is easy for us to look down on the people of Israel as ungrateful after witnessing all these miracles. But we are not any different from them. We receive so many blessings and miracles daily that we are quick to forget as soon as we face a hardship. This past year taught me the secret of living a more fulfilled life. Simply put a heart of Gratitude paves ways to blessings beyond your control. Gratitude relies completely on the Savior, and trusts in the infinite power of his Atonement. 

As you stop complaining about everything, you esteem material possessions less and less; yet your needs will be consistently met. We take so much for granted and cherish nothing in return. When you worry, you doubt God's love. 

Today, learn to become forever grateful, and that will be your anchor in facing the tides of this journey called life. 

Enjoy your Easter! 

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