Sunday, June 29, 2014

Take nothing for granted.

           Good morning my dear audience.  I haven't been able to blog for two whole months for several reasons. I am apologetic to those who read and supported my blog weekly. I am not fully back but I will attempt to blog as often as I am able to. This time away gave me the opportunity to do some soul searching as I pondered on the most important things in life. 
           Our society is so engrained in capitalism that our lives are becoming more and more materialistic. The virtual lives we experience on social media has made it even more evident that everything we possess is one way or another objectified. Amongst all the "me" "my" "mine" delegations, we discover that we take so much for granted. It is all about the here and now, even our relationships have been mitigated to the pleasure provided through instant gratification. 

              We move so fast that we forget to be thankful for the intangible things in our lives that actually gives us the very essence of life. If you or someone you know has ever been seriously sick or diagnosed with some type of terminal illness, your attention now becomes focused on the priceless nature of health. Health is something we take completely for granted, and forget to count as a blessing whenever we decide to complain about what we do not have. 

              We complain about our jobs sometimes without real reason. We take for granted the air we breath until we experience shortness of breadth. We complain about our friends, children, spouses. Especially in a marriage it is so easy to take much for granted, but what happens when that person is no longer there with you? We ignore family members at our beck and call and constantly reject their love, because of our own selfish natures. 

Today, learn to recognize and acknowledge all the things in your life that are not visible but make it possible for you to go on daily. 

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