Monday, February 10, 2014

When your "good" isn't good enough.

          Have you ever found yourself in a relationship where you asked yourself: how the heck did I get here or better yet who am I? Well, you are not alone if you have.

            If you got so deep in a relationship to the point where you were unable to recognize your individual self prior to engaging in that relationship, then you have lost sight of what it truly means to be whole. Dating or marriage do not make you whole. You must come to the table already whole so that your needs and priorities will not be distorted. Being broken will hinder the growth of your relationship. If you are broken and do not take the proper initiative to heal and restore, you are bound to destroy yourself further or your partner. Your "good" will never be enough if you do not know your self worth. Your "good" will never be enough because it was lust and you mistook it for love. Your "good" will never be enough, if you were "hanging out" "talking", and you assumed a relationship. Your "good" will never be enough if  you do not know that a relationship must involve two people even when one is working overtime to sustain it. So far as your "good" is not enough, you will remain discontent.
            I read a marriage book 6 years ago, and a quote in it stuck with me. "Love is a potion which turns independent, smart & assertive women into gooey love-struck teenagers." I can't even begin to tell you how true this quote is, and how my experiences and observations within the past six years have proven the statement. So, I continuously wonder why the very thing which gives man its essence of living can cause so much pain!

               To do justice to love, lust must be fully defined. Lust is an intense sexual desire or appetite, which denotes that the one experiencing this emotion is out to satisfy a need. Although lust is an aspect of love, if left alone it becomes utterly meaningless. As human beings we find our life's meaning in the very act of love. We can express love in any and everything we do; in our interactions with others, in fulfilling our job duties, in parenting, in giving, and even in the way we view our own selves. Love literally gives life, and allows you to thrive and excel. Therefore if what you are experiencing does not give you hope, joy, nor peace then it is not love. There is no magical word to make you leave a bad situation, you just need to recognize that what you have now does not give life. It sounds easy, but that's because it is! People do not change, people just learn to adapt to new situations, meaning if given the opportunity they can regress back to same habits.

             Simply stated, love (& I wont say true love, because love is true and that will be redundant) is the greatest gift to mankind, wait for it in every area. Unfortunately there are no shortcuts to this destination.... You are worth it, wait for it.


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