Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Pride & Prejudice

First and foremost I apologize for messing with the weekly schedule. I wish to write weekly, Sundays seemed to be best but due to demands at work, I am a bit delayed. Anyways... 
I hope this blog is helping and encouraging people as I intend. I am aware of the issue of not being able to comment on the post sometimes, and working diligently to resolve...

Today I wish to write briefly on pride and pretentious living and its detriment on our growth. I am sure many of you have been around people who pretend to be someone they are not, but never attempted to tell them directly how you feel about their pretentious nature. Its like being around a friend who needs deodorant, and facing that excruciating contemplation to tell her /him about it. You know you have to be a friend and tell them the truth, but it is nonetheless a painful process in fear that you might hurt their feelings. Well pride and pretense elicit the same feeling within myself and many of you out there when it comes to facing that person. 
Pride is when someone portrays themselves more than what they really are, and look down on everyone else because of that haughty feeling. In reality this person may not necessarily have more but they feel as such thereby exhibiting feelings of conceit and false high self-esteem as an attempt to undermine others. If nothing brings you down pride will. I want to encourage everyone who has ever been prideful, or pretentious to let go of such feelings and become your real self, only then will you grow. If you know people who can use a lesson on humility, please help them, so they can grow as they allow themselves to learn daily. Some pretend so much they forget who they actually are. It's an infectious danger, to remain prideful. You lose friends, family members, co-workers etc... Please spread the message. 

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