Monday, November 4, 2013

I wish it still took a village to raise a child

           I blog weekly, but i just had to blog again today because of what I just encountered. I checked my Facebook newsfeed today after work and stumbled on a video that a Facebook friend had "liked". I still do not get why Facebook must inform others about the activities of friends. Quite frankly, I have deleted several people based on comments they made on disturbing posts and wish Facebook will not feed me these outrageous logs of what others do. In any case, the still picture of the video was a young adult in her underwear. It was clear that it was a dancing video, but I clicked it because she had a Ghanaian last name, and I like to continue thinking that Ghanaians know better than to do such things. Even though I am half Ghanaian, I am not saying that out of a feeling of ethnocentrism; but rather based on the way children are brought up back home. 
            These 3 young women in the video were all in their underwear dancing and showing the whole entire world their goodies. I felt like my mother as I reacted to the video. I am still in my twenties and yet was disturbed by the video. I am not shocked based on the appropriateness of the video because there are certainly worst videos out there. However, my reaction stems from knowing that these are young ladies who were fooling around and naively thought it was cool to post the video as an attempt to solicite many likes. Yes I wish it still took a village to raise a child, because I was seconds away from sending the young ladies Facebook messages suggesting they remove it before it goes viral and they get impacted in the near future, I.e. Colleges, work interview etc... This social media age is really getting out of control. I remember doing several videos when I used to dance all the time, and wanting to post them to show my skills and how naturally my body responded to the sound of music. Yet, I never did because I knew better. I have a younger sister in college and anytime I see such things, I get nervous. These same young girls will enter relationships and hope to become someone's spouse. Hmmm. I am just curious to hear what your thoughts are about over sharing on social media sites? Do we all realize the negative and lasting impact it may have on our lives? At what point do you mind your business, and at what point should we become villagers in disciplining the younger generation around us and sometimes even older people who do not know any better? 


  1. I seen this video earlier and also noticed that the girls were Ghanaians but I wasn't surprised because the Ghanaian or should I say African community is to caught up in following what everyone do. This society have been obsessed with getting likes that it does not matter if their dignity or morals are being violated. I am a college student but I would never post videos that would portray something that may go against my values or how I was raised because nothing ever leaves this technology world so when you look back and see this what message are you conveying to your future kids who may see this, the jobs that you are applying that goes through your social media profiles and what message are you giving to these men. Women sit there and complain about no good men or men being disrespectful but women portray one thing and expect and want another thing. When I see females lower their standards that way It seriously makes me shake my head and wonder what went wrong in their life. Strippers take off their clothes for money because many have not other option but to strip to make money but people strip and shake their booty on social media for free forgetting that sometimes they may have much more to lose. wow that is very sad. This society are losing more and more of the core values and morals that makes up strong respectable society which baffles me each time.

    1. Jeanne you are so right. I think a good point of reference is thinking about whether you would want your future kids looking at the video, pictures and posts you put up. And indeed what you portray is what you get in relationships. Sad. Sad. Sad.

    2. Yeah it is indeed very sad.
