Monday, January 6, 2014

Becoming a child again

We have the privilege and honor to live to see the year 2014, and like myself most of us are eager to see what this year will bring. The most common thing at the beginning of every new year is the goals we all set. Sometimes we acknowledge the need to make a change in our lives, but somehow manage to procrastinate the change until the new year. The most ideal method in goal-setting is making a conscious effort to make it a daily endeavor instead of a yearly leap. As this new year begins, many wish to exercise, shed some pounds, get married, have children, obtain new jobs, move out-of-state, become better individuals, save and pay off debt, grow spiritually, learn to forgive, etc. Believe it or not, my 2014 goals were set in August 2013, simply because I am timeline-conscious. 

I started this year reading several self help books, to improve myself in becoming my ideal self. But as I watched my little niece Shaniya's behavior and demeanor it occurred to me that most of the goals I sat would easily be accomplished if I learned to re-develop the child-like traits I once had. Children are such a blessing; and even though I do not yet have my own, I had the privilege to be around them my whole life. The way she lights up a room with her sweet voice and smile even when no one is in the mood to talk is just amazing. Here are some traits that children possess that can alleviate adults of some of the unnecessary burdens of life. 
Children have a (1) humble spirit, (2) they have faith, (3) they love unconditionally, and (4) can easily transform. 

1. The pride of life is so destructive, and creates a haughty spirit that is unyielding to the Holy Spirit. Children are not so easily offended, and do not hold grudges.
2. Faith calls for complete dependence on God knowing that you can trust him to make possible that which we can't do. Children demonstrate this trait by trusting their parents to provide, and be there for them when in need. Children do not worry about what they need or want even if their parents tell them they have no money. 
3. The Bible says he who forgives little loves little. We live such stressful lives, and make it even more complicated by malice, hatred, and lack of compassion. Love transcends all things only if we do yield. 
4. Children are teachable. Most people go through life knowledgeable through academia but miss all the important lessons at the core of this journey called life, simply because we refuse to be teachable by experiences, or those in our lives who are wise. 

Combining all these traits, realize that you can develop high self-esteem and self-love to counter depression, you can blossom in love and cease to become hurt and broken, become financially wise because your spending habits have taught you better, achieve your highest educational, and social goals because you have faith that with God all things are possible. 

I pray 2014 brings you total harmony with your heart, mind, and soul as you become like a child yearning for the greater good in life. 


  1. YES! Unfortuantely, so many people (around the world, as this is beyond culture, race, class) overlook the depth of knowledge children provide. I've always said that the world would be a happier place if it placed more emphasis on respecting and appreciating both children and the elderly, as both groups have so much to offer. Adding to your list, children are also (1) rereshing, given their imaginative approach to the world, and (2) authentic and honest, considering the degree to which they've been conditioned by others around them. Great observation in your niece. May we all keep some wonderful childhood attributes and carry them into adulthood!

  2. @raibak children & the elderly are indeed very special groups in society so much wisdom!
